Time for You to be Loved

Have you ever been in existence mode? That life where you are fulfilling all the responsibilities, but finding little joy in life. You are fulfilling the obligations, but it almost like sleep walking through the day. In existence mode we are often starving for Relationship Intimacy.

When we get on board a flight, before we take off the flight attendant will go through the check list. Among the critical instructions to the passengers are the directions that in the event of an emergency if the oxygen masks deploy we are to securely fasten our mask first and then attend to those around us. Such a simple direction, yet necessary because in life we too often are guilty of taking care of everyone around us and leaving ourselves for last. It isn't that we have to be selfish. Rather, we are no good for anyone else unless we take care of ourselves also.

There is a myth that if we love their partner and children, with all our love, our partner and children will in turn love us back equally. Too often I have seen this person wind up empty over time. They pour themselves out and wait and hope for their love to be returned. Until the hope fades. Our partner and children don't mean to take us for granted. But they do. To compound the problem they expect that much love, or more, again tomorrow.


It is ironic, but people love and respect people who love and respect themselves! When we wait for those we love to give us the love and respect, we end up disappointed and feeling used. Over time we feel unloved and unappreciated.

We need to build up our love resilience. It is time we put on our oxygen mask first. We will tend to those we love, because we love them and that is who we are. But we will also love ourselves. We will not wait for others to hopefully notice our needs, as we sit silently by. It is time we advocate for ourselves in a way that more effective. The change we need begins with us. It is time we loved our self so we can love those in our life more fully and abundantly. It is then that joy fills our life and the life of those we love.

I invite you to join the journey to create more love in your life. A journey to a better you. Is it time to find what you have been missing? Welcome to the journey.


Relationship Coach with over 30 years of experience helping people create more loving relationships and fuller lives.